What's in a Name?

I hope my selection of Yann Martel's Life of Pi leaves me with an eye-opening, life-long, adventurous tale of Pi. From the title, one would assume a character in the book would be named Pi. Whether Pi be the man, the tiger or the ocean, it is yet unknown. The title is extremely vague and allows for much interpretation from a stranger to the novel as to what has happened in Pi's life that is worthy of being told to interested readers. 

Previous knowledge of the story and French language has led me to conclude the story is going to be about Pi and his life in the middle of the ocean. I am aware Pi's full name is Piscine which in French translates to "pool". The significance of Pi's name may be unassuming in the title, but once the real name is revealed, it gives the title a new meaning: the life of the man who was destined to be associated with water since birth.  

The title makes me excited, yet anxious to learn the tales of Pi and specifically how water plays a role in his life. As a lover of the ocean, my interest has been sparked and I am intrigued to find out just what it can do to an individual. 

Here is a link to an excellent review of the novel: 


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